Skills & Supports
[ERMHS Series #3]
Definition of ERMHS:
Educationally Related Mental Health Services (ERMHS) are mental health services for students who qualify for special education. ERMHS supports student’s social-emotional needs. They can also help to improve the student’s academics, behavior, and overall well-being. ERMHS are individually tailored to the student’s needs and to their Individual Education Program (“IEP”) goals. ERMHS may include counseling (individual, group) and/or social work services (collaboration and case management). (source) |
Skills and Supports to Highlight
School Psychologists have many skills that allow them to contribute to the mental health of students (and staff). Drawing upon these skills in a coordinated way can (1) improve school culture, (2) inform educational partners, and (3) lead to better student services overall.
What do School Psychologists know that support student mental health?
- Classroom Management Strategies
- Effective Data Collection & Analysis
- Self-Care Strategies
- Psychoeducation
- Counseling Techniques
- Disability Awareness
Student achievement is not only impacted by their academic skills, study habits, and quality instruction. Despite the best teaching methods, comfortable classrooms, and other instructional supports, students may struggle to learn or apply that learning in a productive way. The other side of the coin includes behavior, social skills, emotional regulation, and executive functioning. These skills set the stage for students to appropriately engage with the classroom environment, some examples: organization, focused attention, effective group collaboration.
School-based Mental Health supports, including ERMHS, integrates this knowledge and awareness into the learning environment. Informing students of accurate mental health facts empowers them to be more aware of the impact they have on others. Sharing meaningful strategies and supports to instructional staff increases the chance that rules and expectations are applied consistently. Working alongside school administrators can set the stage for effective program decisions that are directly linked (or informed) by research and best practices.
Traditionally, the School Psychologist’s role has been dominated by individual assessment practices and Special Education procedures. Consider the greater benefit to the broader school community, including those with Special needs, by having one of the trained mental health professionals in the school collaborating in a more comprehensive way.
Specialized Topics for School Psychologists:
Specialized Topics for School Psychologists:
- Suicide Awareness, Prevention, and Intervention
- Crisis Response
- Equity and Inclusion
- Program Evaluation (re: Mental Health Supports of Students)
The National Association of School Psychologists (NASP) also recognizes the fact that School Psychologists may provide ERMHS – and related – mental health supports to students. Domain 4 reads:
Domain 4: Mental and Behavioral Health Services and Interventions
School psychologists understand the biological, cultural, developmental, and social influences on mental and behavioral health, behavioral and emotional impacts on learning, and evidence-based strategies to promote social–emotional functioning. School psychologists, in collaboration with others, design, implement, and evaluate services that promote resilience and positive behavior, support socialization and adaptive skills, and enhance mental and behavioral health.
So yes, School Psychologists can provide ERMHS to students within the school setting as appropriate. These supports should be clearly defined and aligned with specific goals to help students address educationally-based difficulties! When appropriate, other support staff (e.g., school counselor or school social worker) may be the best positioned to work with a student – but do not discount the influential role that a School Psychologist can play.
Keywords: skills, strategies, interventions, teamwork, student support, school psychologist, psychologist, school, ermhs, special education
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